


Hi everyone! It has been a while since I’ve posted on my blog, but what else is new? Per my tradition, as the title states, I will quickly recap some significant events in 2023 and talk a bit more about my goals for 2024… you know, especially now since we’re in mid-February. So, without further ado ~ I went skydiving! Yep, you read right. I went skydiving for my 30th birthday, and it was a…

In January 2021, I posted a 2020 Recap and 2021 Goals blog post recapping and reflecting on the year and mentioning that I’d like to do one yearly. That didn’t quite happen, as I missed the 2021 recap. However! Better late than not. Working From Home is now a Treat. Unlike in 2020, working from home is a real treat for me now, and I love it quite a lot, and so does Jasper! If you’ve been…

It has indeed been a while since I’ve last posted up something on my blog here, since the end of April 2020, in fact. Being into the new year by just about a month, I’ve figured I’d set some time aside and talk a little bit about 2020 and recap how the year went and what my 2021 goals are. Going forward, I’d like to try to do this every year to reflect, learn, and…